Abuse Melding

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05-09-2005, 16:32 door Anoniem

Door Peter V. ..... In one, Carpenter found a stockpile of aerospace documents with hundreds of detailed schematics about propulsion systems, solar paneling and fuel tanks for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the NASA probe launched in August. On the night he woke at 2, Carpenter copied a huge collection of files that had been stolen from Redstone Arsenal, home to the Army Aviation and Missile Command. The attackers had grabbed specs for the aviation-mission-planning system for Army helicopters, as well as Falconview 3.2, the flight-planning software used by the Army and Air Force. Als je dít leest, dan beginnen de rillingen pas goed over je rug te lopen! Klinkt waarschijnlijk spannender dan dat het is. We wachten de Chinese invasie van Mars af ;-)

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