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Wie problemen heeft met de laatste patch, kan op de website van Microsoft lezen hoe te handelen. Ga daarvoor naar: In een reactie die Microsoft heeft gegeven (zie website Internet Storm Centrum) wordt de volgende verklaring voor het probleem gegeven: Lee said he had spoken to a Microsoft engineer about this. From what he could tell: "this issue is only affecting people with very specific NTFS permissions. If the C:WinntRegistration folder is locked down and cannot be written to by COM+ you will have errors similar to those listed in your alert. All of those tasks use COM+ in one way or another." Another perspective from Microsoft: 'The solution will be available at, and will be linked to from the MS05-051 bulletin - hopefully within the hour. Feel free to communicate the cacls solution to anyone you come across until then. This is not a "known issue" or "problem" with the patch, but a "complexity with ...
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