Abuse Melding

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16-12-2005, 10:46 door SirDice

http://niap.nist.gov/cc-scheme/st/ST_VID4025.html Leuk.. Maar volgens mij zegt het niet zoveel. Eigenlijk een beetje hetzelfde als ISO9002. Zolang alles op papier staat hoe het werkt is het goed. As I mentioned before, EAL levels run from 1 to 7. EAL1 basically means that the vendor showed up for the meeting. EAL7 means that key parts of the system have been rigorously verified in a mathematical way. EAL4 means that the design documents were reviewed using non-challenging criteria. This is sort of like having an accounting audit where the auditor checks that all of your paperwork is there and your business practice standards are appropriate, but never actually checks that any of your numbers are correct. An EAL4 evaluation is not required to examine the software at all. Bron: http://eros.cs.jhu.edu/~shap/NT-EAL4.html

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