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12-04-2006, 09:46 door SirDice

Inzake de programmeerfout in IE (script action handlers) kan het volgende worden meegedeeld: De kwetsbaarheid (die ik bij Microsoft gemeld had) Heet jij Michael Zalewski? http://seclists.org/lists/vulnwatch/2006/Jan-Mar/0082.html Ook zie ik je naam [url=http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms06-apr.mspx]hier niet staan: Microsoft thanks the following for working with us to help protect customers: • Andreas Sandblad of Secunia for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Jeffrey van der Stad for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Jan P. Monsch of Compass Security Network Computing AG for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Richard M. Smith of Boston Software Forensics for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Thomas Waldegger for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Sowhat of Nevis Labs for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Heiko Schultze of SAP for reporting an issue described in MS06-013. • Will Dormann of ...

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