Abuse Melding

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03-11-2006, 12:31 door Damiaen

Het bureaublad staat niet default in de PATH variabele. Ziehier een stukje antwoord van Roger A. Grimes op Full-Disclosure: "The PATH environment variable doesn't include the user's desktop by default. There is a close tie-in between Explorer.exe and Iexplore.exe involving the desktop, and there are tricks you can play to get desktop items to execute instead of IE stuff, but the PATH statement itself doesn't include the desktop by default. So, if you're statement is accurate that malware would need to be placed in a directory identified by the PATH statement, we can relax because that would require Administrator access to pull off. Admin access would be needed to modify the PATH statement appropriately to include the user's desktop or some other new user writable location or Admin access would be needed to copy a file into the locations indicated by the default PATH statement."

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