Abuse Melding

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09-04-2009, 12:29 door palahala

Niet helemaal on-topic, maar altijd leuk om even te vergelijken met de Verenigde Staten... Illegaal afluisteren heeft geen gevolgen, vond Bush, en vindt nu ook de regering van Obama: [url=http://www.boingboing.net/2009/04/08/eff-attorney-explain.html]EFF attorney explains Obama Department of Justice's radical authoritarian position on wiretapping immunity to Olbermann. Dan weten we waar we heen gaan. Uit het interview: Kevin Bankston, Electronic Frontier Foundation The Obama administration is embracing the same aggressive secrecy arguments that the Bush administration did, and is going them one better, by arguing this incredible immunity argument. By saying that despite the many laws that we have that are meant to restrict the government from wiretapping us or accessing our communications records without warrants, that the US government is immune from any lawsuit for violating those statutes, and essentially eviscerating the privacy rights of millions of ordinary Americans.

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