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07-07-2009, 15:35 door Spiff has left the building

Opvallend is het volgende Microsoft advies. Hier http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/advisory/972890.mspx "Though unaffected by this vulnerability, Microsoft is recommending that Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 customers remove support for this ActiveX Control within Internet Explorer using the same Class Identifiers as a defense-in-depth measure." En hier http://blogs.technet.com/msrc/archive/2009/07/06/microsoft-security-advisory-972890-released.aspx "While Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 customers are not affected by this vulnerability, we are recommending that they also set these killbits as a defense-in-depth measure." Fix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/972890

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