Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

14-10-2009, 15:26 door Anoniem

Jammer, alijd met veel plezier aan meegedaan. Ter compensatie mag ik wel een EV-SSL (2jaar) gratis aanvragen :-) Onderstaand de inhoud van de mail die ik als Thawte WOT Notary ontving vandaag: Important Thawte&reg Web of Trust Notary Notice - Thawte Personal E-mail Certificates and Web of Trust are being discontinued Dear (******) Over the past several years, security compliance requirements have become more restrictive, while the technology infrastructure necessary to meet these requirements has expanded greatly. Despite our strong desire to continue providing the Thawte Personal E-mail Certificate and Web of Trust services, the ever-expanding standards and technology requirements will outpace our ability to maintain these services at the high level of quality we require. As a result, Thawte Personal E-Mail Certificates and the Web of Trust will be discontinued on November 16, 2009 and will no longer be available after that date. Deciding to conclude these services was a difficult ...

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