Abuse Melding

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27-11-2007, 11:58 door Anoniem

Deze ontving ik net, iemand nog een haard in de aanbieding? :P --- Hello, My name is Elena, I have 30-years and I live in small city in Russian province. I have 6-years daughter, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother. Recently my mother lost job due to old age and our situation became very difficult. During last months the prices for gas, oil and electricity became very high and we cannot use it to heat our home anymore. The winter came to our region, we have many snow and temperature is very cold here already. We do not know what to do and we very afraid. The only way to heat our home it is to use portable stove which give heat with burning wood. We have many wood in our region and this stove would heat our home the whole winter with minimal charges. But we cannot buy such stove in our local market because my salary is very small. I work in library and after my job I allowed to use computer. I finded your address in internet and may be you can help us. ...

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