Abuse Melding

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02-03-2010, 12:43 door Bitwiper

in http://blogs.technet.com/rhalbheer/archive/2010/03/01/the-latest-internet-explorer-0day.aspx schreef ik: IMO it is a bad thing that a Chief Security Advisor mixes security with commercial propaganda. In particular because this vulnerability is not XP only (any OS with WinHlp32.exe installed), applies to any browser version including IE8 (but it *is* IE-only), and last but not least, XP SP3 is not 10 years old. Furthermore you can bet on the fact that any-color-hats are now looking for similar exploits that do not require WinHlp32. I hope they're white when they find things. Voor meer details en links over de gerefereerde kwetsbaarheid zie http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=8332.

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