Abuse Melding

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22-07-2010, 20:44 door Anoniem

McKinnon is a self-confessed hacker, known as Solo, who denies causing damage but admits accessing secret military and government systems by using a Perl script to search for blank, default passwords. He doesn’t deserve to go scot-free, because that would send entirely the wrong message to other hackers. He doesn’t deserve to go scot-free, because he’s broken the law. And he certainly doesn’t deserve to go scot-free simply because he’s become the focus of a campaign that has more to do with public distrust of the current UK Government than with the nature of his crime. It may be too late to get beyond the media hype and back to the core issues, but what I’d like to see is McKinnon admit his guilt to a UK court, accept his punishment like a man – be that prison or a fine – and then move on. I’d also like to hear more people asking how it was so easy for one UFO-obsessed nerd to break into so many supposedly important and secret military networks, just after the US had experienced ...

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