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09-09-2010, 12:37 door Spiff has left the building

Beste redactie, Dat is best interessant, die berichtgeving over Symantec en F-Secure, maar velen zullen ook geïnteresseerd zijn in de rest van de uitkomsten van de betreffende testen. Ik in ieder geval wel. Via AV-Test.org vind ik het volgende: http://twitter.com/avtestorg/statuses/23937634204 http://community.norton.com/norton/attachments/norton/forum_feedback/3371/1/Real_World_Testing_Report.pdf Real World Testing Report A test commissioned by Symantec Corporation and performed by AV-Test GmbH Date of the report: August 18th, 2010, last update: August 24th, 2010 en http://twitter.com/avtestorg/statuses/23937739970 http://community.norton.com/norton/attachments/norton/forum_feedback/3371/2/Remediation_Testing_Report.pdf Remediation Testing Report A test commissioned by Symantec Corporation and performed by AV-Test GmbH Date of the report: August 18th, 2010, last update: August 24rd, 2010 Beslist méér interessants dan alleen Symantec en F-Secure. CORRECTIE Ik heb ...

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