Abuse Melding

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30-09-2010, 23:35 door Bitwiper

===== Redenen voor PATCH PATCH PATCH (met name ASP.NET websites en zeker DotNetNuke) ===== Gisteren heeft Microsoft een webcast gehouden over deze kwetsbaarheid. In deze page wordt daar verslag van gedaan, onderstaand 1 van de vragen die kennelijk door iemand van Microsoft is beantwoord: http://www.cupfighter.net/index.php/2010/09/ms10-070/#more-1158door Frank Breedijk[...] Q: Why did Microsoft release and OOB update for a vulnerability rated “only” as important? A: The vulnerability itself is rated as Important because it is not a vulnerability that directly leads to remote code execution on the vulnerable system, however exploitation of the vulnerability will lead to disclosure of all information in the webroot including web.config. This information can be used for session hijacking, compromising backend databases and to attack associations between websites, e.g. the association of a website with PayPal. Hence an out of band patch was warranted. [...]Mocht er nog iemand twijfelen: lees ...

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