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30-11-2010, 12:21 door SirDice

Door Job de Jong: Door SirDice: Iemand heeft toch ergens iets niet goed gelezen of loopt achter. A peak Australian technology body has welcomed the Federal Government's decision to not force internet service providers (ISPs) to disconnect the infected computers of its customers as part of its response to a Senate committee report into online security threats. http://www.zdnet.com.au/govt-stays-isp-zombie-laws-339307564.htm Je kunt uit de PDF van de iCODE: http://iia.net.au/images/resources/pdf/icode-v1.pdf opmaken dat ISP's mogen besluiten klanten af te sluiten indien de klant van zijn of haar kant beslist geen actie te ondernemen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld het installeren van virusscanners of andere anti-malware programma's. artikel 6.3 van de Code: " ISPs may choose to take one or more of the above actions, and may choose different options depending on whether it is the first time a customer’s IP address has appeared on the source lists or whether they continue to appear on the lists and have taken no ...

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