Abuse Melding

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28-09-2011, 16:50 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: Uitspraak van HMA eerder dit jaar: 07-03-2011, 08:07 PM RE: Does HMA keep a record of what we do? HMA only keeps connection logs for 30 days, that means: - your real IP - time of connect + time of disconnect There are no logs related on your traffic, so nothing about what you did online or which websites you visited. Also, if a court orders HMA to turn over their records: - It's impossible after 30 days, because all logs get deleted by HMA after 30 days - it takes more than 30 days before a court takes action HMA won't turn over your data, except maybe if you have something to do with child porn or you send ransom demands, something like this. In addition, it takes month-years before a court orders HMA to reveal their logs, which are long gone til then. Beetje raar verhaal, want zo te zien hebben ze bij HideMyAss! de "bayguy(s)" ook kunnen achterhalen. Dus waarom zouden ze dat bij HMA dan niet kunnen? Indien het geval maar urgent genoeg is zullen de instancies ook ...

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