Abuse Melding

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20-01-2012, 10:03 door Anoniem

Door Bitwiper: Door Anoniem: Je kan wel door te padden twee bestanden maken met dezelfde md5sum maar dat is niet bruikbaar bij deze kwetsbaarheid.Waar baseer je op dat padding niet bruikbaar is bij deze kwetsbaarheid (misschien heb ik ergens overheen gekeken)? "It is important to note that the hash value shared by the two different files is a result of the collision construction process. We cannot target a given hash value, and produce a (meaningful) input bit string hashing to that given value. In cryptographic terms: our attack is an attack on collision resistance, not on preimage or second preimage resistance. This implies that both colliding files have to be specially prepared by the attacker, before they are published on a download site or presented for signing by a code signing scheme. Existing files with a known hash that have not been prepared in this way are not vulnerable. "

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