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Door Anoniem: Volgens mij is er niets mis met het RSA-algoritme (de wiskunde), maar gaat het mis bij sommige implementaties (het (computer-)systeem) Inderdaad. Het is een zwaar misleidende titel. Kijk maar naar de abstract van het originele artikel: We performed a sanity check of public keys collected on the web. Our main goal was to test the validity of the assumption that different random choices are made each time keys are generated. We found that the vast majority of public keys work as intended. A more disconcerting finding is that two out of every one thousand RSA moduli that we collected offer no security. Our conclusion is that the validity of the assumption is questionable and that generating keys in the real world for "multiple-secrets" cryptosystems such as RSA is significantly riskier than for "single-secret" ones such as ElGamal or (EC)DSA which are based on Diffe-Hellman. Het artikel gaat over "computational and randomness properties of actual public keys". Oftewel, het RSA ...
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