Abuse Melding

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27-01-2013, 23:37 door Anoniem

Dan gaat de huistelefoon. "Met Paul" zeg je dan. De lijn kraakt en je denkt aan een verkeerd nummer. "hello? hello? is this mister ladieeblaa from blabla" "hello?" "Yes, that is me" "hello?" "hellooooo?" "You have downloaded a problem on your Microsoft computer" "hello?" "We want to warn you and you downloaded a problem on the computer when on Internet, you installed problem" "hello?" "helloo?" "Ow Gosh.. What kind of problem do you mean? Is it bad?" "We will help you with buy online" "hello?" "Yes, I'm still here and you have said 'hello' like 50 times already, but I didn't move my ear or mouth from the phone" "helloo" "you have emails with problems". "What kind of problems" "hello?" "helloo?" "You have problem on computer hard drive, we have new computer for you" "hello?" "I don't have problems on my computer" "hello?" "helloo?" "Thank you for your time, I'm not interested" "ok bye" <tuut tuut tuut> Not even a "Hello" at the end... bastard! Als je er in trapt, ben je wel heel ...

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