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12-09-2013, 14:00 door Spiff has left the building

Door Anoniem, 09-09-2013, 13:03 uur: ik heb het nog even nagezocht en meer info staat in dit artikel http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/facebook-stops-asking-you-snitch-your-friends-1B6103332 Ha, dankjewel, Anoniem. Interessant artikeltje. Ik had dat nieuwtje blijkbaar gemist, vorig jaar september. Een stukje uit dat artikel: Though Facebook does have a real name policy, Wolens said this particular poll was one of many anonymous surveys Facebook uses to tweak its algorithms. He provided the following company statement: "This was a limited survey we have already concluded. We are always looking to gauge how people use Facebook and represent themselves to better design our product and systems. We analysed these surveys only using aggregate data and responses had zero impact on any user's account." According to Wolens, the survey was received by a small amount of users. Exactly how small, he wouldn't say. News of it spread when Twitter user @chapeaudefee tweeted a screenshot and the comment, "Facebook wants to ...

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