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09-08-2014, 00:53 door Anoniem

Door Spiff: Door Anoniem [Eric-Jan H te A], 17:04 uur: Je kunt natuurlijk ook "Always On" aan laten staan en alleen voor het betreffende programma uit zetten... Ik ken niet een dergelijke optie en voor zover ik weet bestaat die niet... Uit de Users Guide: Enabling Unsafe Configurations By default, EMET hides configuration options considered to be unsafe. These are options that have shown to cause system instability in common use scenarios. It is still possible to configure these options by overriding a registry key. After the override is applied, EMET will display the unsafe options, but will also warn the user whenever one of them is selected. The override can be found in registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EMET. If this key is not present, run the EMET GUI and refresh the view of the registry. Inside the key, there is a DWORD value called EnableUnsafeSettings. By default it has a value of 0. By setting it to 1 and restarting the EMET GUI, unsafe options can be selected. With EMET, there is ...

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