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18-09-2014, 19:45 door Anoniem

Digital Citizens Alliance schijnt een non-profit organisatie te zijn die voorstander is van striktere regulering van het internet. Volgens Issuepedia: "Digital Citizens Alliance (DCA) is an organization whose goal appears to be tighter regulation of internet content. [...] They are strongly pro-copyright, anti-torrent and anti-media piracy. " Of zoals Digital Citizens Allians zelf zegt waar ze voor staan op hun eigen site: " Based in Washington, DC, the Digital Citizens Alliance counts among its supporters: private citizens, the health, pharmaceutical and creative industries as well as online safety experts and other communities focused on Internet safety. The Digital Citizens Alliance is made up of people, just like you, concerned about making the Internet a better and safer place for everyone. Our goal is simple: make the Internet - Free of dangerous drugs sold online to unsuspecting individuals. - Free of illegal movies, videos, and music that steal from our citizens. - Free of scams, ...

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