Abuse Melding

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10-12-2015, 13:10 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: De analyse is een bug per https://osxbytes.wordpress.com/2015/12/09/flash-player-20-0-0-235-adds-phone-home-analytics/#comment-203 Chris Campbell is een Adobe werknemer. Dank voor de attentie, de reactie van Adobe Chris Campbell was er nog niet op het moment dat ik deze post plaatste. Evengoed heeft Adobe plannetjes... Daarom de hele reactie maar geciteerd Chris Campbell says: December 9, 2015 at 6:05 pm Hi, Thanks for the blog post and the heads up! This is definitely a bug. This file should not be present in our release builds. As you’ve noted in the log above, while the file has been inadvertently placed on the system, no data will be sent to Adobe. At a minimum, the mms.cfg must contain AnalyticsUserChoice=1 to enable data pingback. In addition, because this is a release build and not a beta build, even if AnalyticsUserChoice is set, data will not be collected or sent to Adobe. We do plan on introducing anonymous usage data collection in the future, but only if a user opts into ...

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