Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

30-07-2002, 15:54 door Anoniem

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/07/28/IN244190.DTL "As President Bush wages his war against terrorism and moves to create a huge homeland security apparatus, he appears to be borrowing heavily, if not ripping off ideas outright, from George Orwell. The work in question is "1984, " the prophetic novel about a government that controls the masses by spreading propaganda, cracking down on subversive thought and altering history to suit its needs. It was intended to be read as a warning about the evils of totalitarianism -- not a how-to manual. " * Just coz yer not para, doesn't mean they iz not out ta get ya * ___ ___ ___ ___ / / / / /__/ /__/| / /:: / /:: : | |:| / /:/: ___ ___ / /:/: : | |:| / /:/~/:/ /__/ / / / /:/ : _______: __| |:| /__/:/ /:/ : / /:/ /__/:/ __: /__/:::::::: ...

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