Abuse Melding

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23-08-2002, 10:07 door Anoniem

Nimda en Code Red verspreiden zich NIET via email Nimda verspreid zichzelf ~ook~ via mail.. http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2001-26.html The CERT/CC has received reports of new malicious code known as the "W32/Nimda worm" or the "Concept Virus (CV) v.5." This new worm appears to spread by multiple mechanisms: * from client to client via email * from client to client via open network shares * from web server to client via browsing of compromised web sites * from client to web server via active scanning for and exploitation of various Microsoft IIS 4.0 / 5.0 directory traversal vulnerabilities (VU#111677 and CA-2001-12) * from client to web server via scanning for the back doors left behind by the "Code Red II" (IN-2001-09), and "sadmind/IIS" (CA-2001-11) worms The worm modifies web documents (e.g., .htm, .html, and .asp files) and certain executable files found on the systems it infects, and creates numerous copies of itself under various file names.

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