Abuse Melding

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03-02-2016, 17:16 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: De Europese Commissie wil eind juni strengere regels voor virtuele valuta zoals bitcoin en prepaidkaarten voorstellen, om zo anonieme betalingen in te perken en de financiering van terrorisme tegen te gaan. Is terrorisme financiering m.b.v. bitcoins ooit aangetoond ? Of is het slechts een aanname, welke handig is om nieuw beleid door te drukken ? Via http://fortune.com/2016/02/03/bitcoin-europe-crackdown/: It does seem to be the case that terrorists sometimes use Bitcoin. A report (http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/reports/Emerging-Terrorist-Financing-Risks.pdf) released by the inter-governmental Financial Action Task Force last October included a case study of a terrorist supporter who used Twitter to tell people how to donate bitcoins to terrorists. However, as the report also stated: “The actual prevalence and level of exploitation of these technologies by terrorist groups and their supporters is not clear at this time and remains an ongoing information gap to be explored.” ...

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