Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

27-09-2002, 12:42 door Virtal Technologies

,,Aside from research projects, many security professionals use hacker tools to perform legitimate "penetration tests" against clients. And some of the most common security tools like nmap or TCPdump can be used for good or ill.'' ,,It's not a trend yet, but outlawing hacker tools has never been far from law enforcement thoughts. Last year 33 countries, including the UK and the U.S., signed the Council of Europe's international cybercrime treaty, which recommends prohibiting the creation or distribution of a hacking tool with the intent that it be used to commit a crime, though a last minute change to the treaty allows signatory countries to opt out of the provision.'' http://online.securityfocus.com/news/813 ,,Analysis of the TOrnkit Rootkit'' http://online.securityfocus.com/infocus/1230 ,,Internet Content Advisory: Considering The Unintended Audience'' http://www.nipc.gov/warnings/advisories/2002/02-001.htm

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