Abuse Melding

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04-12-2002, 15:16 door Anoniem

Weliswaar Win2k en geen XP of .net, toch leuk. >From the Independant on the computer found by the Wall Street Journal in Afghanistan: _____________________________________________ http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/pipermail/ukcrypto/2002-January/018321.html How they cracked the terrorists' code Getting to the heart of the documents contained in the al-Qa'ida computer _ bought by chance by the Wall Street Journal's reporter in Kabul _ meant cracking the encryption of Microsoft's Windows 2000 operating system installed on the machine, which had been used to protect the data. That is not a trivial task. Microsoft will only say that if you lose the password that controls entry to a Windows 2000 system, your best option is to remember it _ or simply to wipe the machine and start again. And its Encrypting File System (EFS), which had been used to encode the files, is just as strong. But the files were too valuable for that. Instead, the team embarked on the task of breaking ...

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