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30-01-2003, 17:26 door Anoniem

Dit heeft een paar van mijn klantjes geholpen. <fair use> The software contacts its servers to ask for update code, which is executed without checks. It also downloads third-party software (for instance a casino loader app). Stability problems The update-checking task tries to connect to xupiter.com to download updates whether or not you are connected. If it fails it may cause a crash in 'RunDownload.exe'. Removal Xupiter has no uninstall function. Spybot S&D update 2002-09-22 and Ad-Aware reffile 042-24-09-2002 can remove it, however. Manual removal Open the registry (from the Start menu, click Run and enter regedit) and find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun. Delete the 'XupiterStartup' entry. Open a DOS command prompt window (Start->Programs->Accessories) and enter the following commands to deregister the toolbar. cd "%WinDir%System" regsvr32 /u "C:Program FilesXupiterUpdatesXupiterToolbar.dll" regsvr32 /u "C:Program ...

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