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21-04-2017, 17:03 door Anoniem

Door karma4: Door gerb: een vingerafdruk is geen wachtwoord, het is een identificatie Nope http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-14/800-14.pdf aub gewoon de gangbare definities van de securityconcepten volgen. "3.11.1 Identification Identification is the means by which a user provides a claimed identity to the system. The most common form of identification is the user ID." "3.11.2 Authentication Authentication is the means of establishing the validity of this claim. There are three means of authenticating a user's identity which can be used alone or in combination: something the individual knows (a secret -- e.g., a password, Personal Identification Number (PIN), or cryptographic key); something the individual possesses (a token -- e.g., an ATM card or a smart card); and something the individual is (a biometric -- e.g., characteristics such as a voice pattern, handwriting dynamics, or a fingerprint)." Dat is dus net het punt. Het is inderdaad zo dat nog veel te veel mensen en instituten denken dat ...

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