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22-04-2017, 00:37 door johanw

Door Moira:Hij (Ben Bucksch) schrijft daarover: 0.6. JavaScript is today the best choice JavaScript, if used diligently and with good design, is a very efficient language. Both in execution time, but more importantly for developers. Personally, I wrote apps in many languages, including C++, Java and JavaScript. Of those, JavaScript is by far the most productive - I am personally 4-10 times as productive as with C++. Today, we have node.js, Electrolysis, Cordova and other platforms that are already ready-made to create desktop applications using HTML5 and JavaScript. There are already other applications that have been written this way, and there is existing knowledge and libraries on how to do this. Maar dan maak je er een browser applicatie van.Dat zal ook ergens gehost moeten worden, vast bij een Amerikanse partij. Mij niet gezien, ik ben meer van de native apps.

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