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28-10-2003, 15:02 door Anoniem

Voor de wat meer avontuurlijke admins:-> http://www.pc-tools.net/unix/renattach/ 'S grappig en zelfs handig. <fair use> renattach is a stream filter that can identify and act upon potentially dangerous e-mail attachments. It's a highly effective way of protecting users from harmful mail content (virus/worms) by disabling or removing attachments that may be accidentally executed by the user. renattach is written in pure C and can quickly process mail with little overhead. Unlike a conventional virus scanner, there are no specific virus or worm definitions. Instead, renattach identifies potentially dangerous attachments based on filename extension and on encoded body content. The filter reads the incoming email from stdin and writes the filtered result to stdout while renaming, deleting, or even killing (absorbing) the suspect message. It is a flexible mail tool that can be used from within sendmail, postfix, procmail, or pretty much anywhere else. Tested under Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X ...

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