Abuse Melding

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17-08-2002, 15:38 door Anoniem

De quote zal wel niet mogen, maar ik doelde op iets verstrekkenders dan het 'recht' op 'hacken', dat de loonies (lees:Disney, Sony etc + Senatoren [49.000 US$/stuk]) proberen door te drukken. De idioten proberen het nu via een andere weg die niet echt fris is. [waarschijnlijk erg stoute copy] Record Labels Sue Internet Providers over Site Fri Aug 16, 6:18 PM ET By Gail Appleson NEW YORK (Reuters) - The world's largest record companies sued major Internet service and network providers on Friday, alleging their routing systems allow users to access the China-based Listen4ever.com Web site and unlawfully copy musical recordings. The copyright infringement suit, filed in Manhattan federal court, seeks a court order requiring the defendants to block Internet communications that travel through their systems to and from the Listen4ever site. The suit says the plaintiffs have not been able to determine who owns the Web site. Plaintiffs in the suit include such major labels as UMG Recordings, a ...

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