Abuse Melding

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28-01-2004, 12:13 door Anoniem

http://www.math.org.il/newworm-digest1.txt Has anyone seen the DOS against SCO actually happen? I have the new critter in a test environment where we conducted a preliminary and rudimentary functionality and threat analysis and the only activity I can get it to perform related to www.sco.com is to resolve the name. In fact, it seems very unhappy if it cannot resolve www.sco.com. Once it can, it happily scans local files for anything that can be construed (very loosely) as a domain and tries to resolve mail servers based on these. In fact, right now it's trying to resolve 'mx.makewin.rsp'. "Makewin.rsp' is a file referenced in the help files of my DigitalMars C++ compiler on a test machine, so it's not a very smart worm. The worm also seems to like to increment the third octet of the host IP by one and syn to port 25 of that address over and over and over... I have played with the date, etc, but still no activity directed toward www.sco.com. It did die after 12 February, but ...

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