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27-12-2018, 08:50 door [Account Verwijderd]

Door Anoniem: Er zit ook een miner op de pagina van linuxtracker dot org en wel op regel 20: 20: < sc?ript src="hxxps://authedmine.com/lib/authedmine.min.js"> < /sc?ript> Note: The sc?ript call above looks suspicious! Check to make sure it is legit. [/quopte] In 8 gevallen hier aangegeven als kwaadaardig of tenminste verdacht: https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/36e027fbb6d7d5b685c06155fd09bb566144a5fee8f1639127509ca43f635135/detection Verder: The URL(s) listed above have been found in the page you are checking. While the URL(s) are not currently flagged as suspicious by Google they have returned malicious content, unwanted software, deceptive content, and/or caused problems recently and should be investigated. Do they belong in your page? luntrus @luntrus, Goede exploratie! Deze miner kun je blokkeren via de NoCoin filterlist, waarin deze miner als volgt staat vermeld: 16 ||authedmine.com^$third-party,domain=~coinhive.com https://github.com/hoshsadiq/adblock-nocoin-list (o.a. te gebruiken in uBlock ...

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