Abuse Melding

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11-03-2019, 15:20 door Anoniem

EFF is beslist geen astroturfing organisatie, maar moet wel opboksen tegen de grote vrije US & EU lobbying van grote internationale techbedrijven, met name die uit Silcon Valley en daar is nu nog een protectionistische steun variant in de USA bijgekomen (Huawei, Kaspersky etc.). A recent ruling in federal court eliminated an Obama administration restriction on registered lobbyists serving on federal advisory committees. As it stands, registered lobbyists can now serve on advisory committees for legislation and agreements that may benefit their employers. This means, of course, that lobbyists working for the entertainment industry can now serve on advisory committees for policies that would greatly benefit their paymasters, allowing industry a great deal of influence in creating the very policies that are supposed to regulate it. Die bovengenoemde lobbyisten gebruiken echter wel elke "dirty trick in the book" om hun agenda bij adviesorganen veilig gesteld te krijgen. Dat zal ook wel de reden zijn, dat ...

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