Abuse Melding

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14-04-2019, 18:54 door Anoniem

Topicstarter hier is Nostradamus Nieuwe wet in het Verenigd Koningrijk, klikken op sites als cryptome.org / hackersites kan 15 jaar gevangenisstraf opleveren: The proposed changes to UK law around viewing terrorist content online are intended to strengthen an existing offense of possessing information likely to be useful to a terrorist, under section 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 A new maximum penalty of 15 years in jail will also apply to terrorists who publish information about members of the armed forces, police and intelligence services for the purposes of preparing acts of terrorism, it added. The Home Office says the law will only apply to those found to repeatedly view online terrorist material to try to avoid criminalizing those who click a link out of curiosity or accidentally. While a defense of “reasonable excuse” would still be available to academics, journalists or others who may have a legitimate reason to view such material, according to The Guardian. Je moet dus weer ouderwets ...

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