Abuse Melding

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13-06-2019, 14:55 door Anoniem

Door Captains of Industry: Het is weer eens zo ver. Microsoft mist de deadline voor een beveilingsprobleem waarmee alle Windows servers onklaar gemaakt kunnen worden. Paar professionele opmerkingen, kan je misschien wat van leren? Yes, Microsoft needs time to test patches to core components. It's called "trying to make sure hundreds of millions of machines keep working"...along with hundreds of thousands to millions of apps. Most people (including me) have trouble even imagining what that scale is like. I'm not on the frontlines of vuln research but I care about people who have to deal with the mess you disclosed, needlessly early in my opinion. It's not like Microsoft was ignoring or disrespecting you. Seriously, I expected better from someone who's been around as long as you.

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