Abuse Melding

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22-03-2004, 10:55 door Anoniem

Laatste gegevens over BlackICE-producten die gevoelig zijn voor deze worm: NOTE: If your system is not running a vulnerable version of one of the products affected, then you will not be infected. Products affected by this vulnerability are listed below: BlackICE™ Agent for Server 3.6 ebz, ecd, ece, ecf BlackICE PC Protection 3.6 cbz, ccd, ccf BlackICE Server Protection 3.6 cbz, ccd, ccf RealSecure® Network 7.0, XPU 22.4 and 22.10 RealSecure Server Sensor 7.0 XPU 22.4 and 22.10 RealSecure Desktop 7.0 ebf, ebj, ebk, ebl RealSecure Desktop 3.6 ebz, ecd, ece, ecf RealSecure Guard 3.6 ebz, ecd, ece, ecf RealSecure Sentry 3.6 ebz, ecd, ece, ecf If you are running a product that has the vulnerability used by the worm, we recommend that you apply the relevant patch as soon as possible. Patches for this vulnerability are available at http://blackice.iss.net/update_center/index.php. (Bron: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/)

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