Abuse Melding

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21-08-2019, 14:31 door Bitje-scheef

Het is maar net hoe je tegen een probleem aankijkt... htt ps://blog.trendmicro.com/the-inside-job-how-hackers-are-stealing-data-from-within/ The report states that around 35 percent of workers would sell private company data if someone offered them the right price. While that number should certainly be alarming to any administrator, the truly frightening part of the report came from how little some people are willing to accept in order to betray their employer. Take, for instance, the test that was conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Officials from the agency went around to multiple governmental buildings and placed flash drives in the parking lots near employee vehicles. The object here was to see how many workers would find the flash drives and plug them into their work computers, thereby risking the safety of their building’s private internal network. What the agency found was shocking. Around 60 percent of employees went right ahead and connected the devices into their computers ...

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