Abuse Melding

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05-05-2004, 17:39 door Anoniem

Episode 14 "Yep?" I ask, as the boss rolls into mission control with a perplexed expression on his face. "It's my machine," he says, "Got a bit of a problem accessing the I.T. Management share and I need to pick up this month's budget figures." "And you're logged into your machine ok?" I sigh, looking vainly around for the PFY to palm this off to. Worst luck tho', he's doing some urgent installs in some new racks so I'm lumbered with the responsibility. "Yes." "And your network cable is in?" I ask, knowing the boss's habit of kicking cables out. "Yes." "And how do you open your share?" "With the 'run' option." "And what do you type?" "--I-T-S-E-R-V--I-T-M-G-T," he spells, slowly. "And does nothing?" "No, it gives an error message." "OK," I sigh, knowing that this is the quickest way back to peace and quiet. "I'll come take a look," . . 1 minute later, in the Boss' office . . "You're running Linux!" I ...

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