Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

28-06-2004, 14:39 door Anoniem

"With over a decade of linguistic research behind it, Gates said Microsoft was poised to put more smarts into its search tools. Promising to make search "ten times better than it is today" Gates said the rate of improvement in search as Microsoft competed with Google would be "highly beneficial to consumers." " Ze hebben in die 10 jaar dan verdomd weinig gedaan.. Wat ook duidelijk wordt door het feit dat ze nu pas iets willen verbeteren nu ze serieuze concurentie hebben van Google. "In July Microsoft’s search site would get a makeover and later in the year, Microsoft would roll out "what's entirely our own back end driving the search". " MSSQL-server die de backend draait? Nu begin ik me zorgen te maken.. "As for discounting against the open source push, Mr Gates said he had been competing with "free software" since the birth of Microsoft. "We've always had, discounts, we have discounts, it's nothing new." " Alleen hoe discount je tegen iets dat "Free" is, EN "Gratis" ...

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