Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

09-06-2021, 15:11 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: Als Troy Hunt's doos van Pandora open wordt gezet, is gelijk de grootste cyberaanval op de planeet mogelijk. Grote ontregelingen van het Internet, die dan ook gelijk gaan passen binnen de B-B-B-revolutie. Heeft iemand wel eens stilgestaan bij dat risico. Heeft men er al op "geoefend"? J.O. Rechtstreeks van de website: When a data breach is loaded into HIBP, the email addresses are stored in the online system. In some cases, phone numbers may be loaded in separately where they exist in an isolated data store not attached to any other personally identifiable information (i.e. not next to corresponding email addresses). No other data of any kind (names, phone numbers, etc) are stored on data load. HIBP also stores a list of data classes that were impacted in each breach. For example, it will state that email addresses and passwords appeared in a breach, but no information about which email addresses had corresponding passwords nor what those passwords are is stored. When data is loaded into ...

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