Abuse Melding

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05-07-2004, 09:06 door Anoniem

Voor de nobody's en nitwits die hier rondlopen en dit initiatief van Microsoft toejuichen: Lees maar eens wat Bruce Schneier te zeggen heeft :-) http://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram-0406.html#4 Voor diegenen die te lui zijn om het artikeltje te lezen: Microsoft and SP2 The security of your computer and your network depends on two things: what you do to secure your computer and network, and what everyone else does to secure their computers and networks. It's not enough for you to maintain a secure network. If everybody else doesn't maintain their security, we're all more vulnerable to attack. When there are lots of insecure computers connected to the Internet, worms spread faster and more extensively, distributed denial-of-service attacks are easier to launch, and spammers have more platforms from which to send e-mail. The more insecure the average computer on the Internet is, the more insecure your computer is. It's like malaria: everyone is safer when we all work together to drain ...

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