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18-07-2022, 19:29 door Anoniem

Door Anoniem: https://irishlightpaper.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/The-Irish-Light-11-Final.pdf Behoorlijk tragisch al die bijwerkingen. Zeker als je beseft dat die in aantal boven de placebo groep uitkomen. https://www.independent.ie/world-news/coronavirus/anti-vaccine-paper-pushes-conspiracy-propaganda-40708069.html Anti-vaccine paper pushes ‘conspiracy propaganda Promoting The Irish Light, Ms O’Doherty writes: “We have a nationwide distribution network throughout the island of Ireland and strive to reach Irish people who rely on mainstream media and may not have access to the truth about the globalist New World Order agenda and tyrannical Great Reset. NWO, GR onzin paper https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-314758521580 https://africacheck.org/fact-checks/meta-programme-fact-checks/no-heart-disease-children-has-not-exploded-because-covid-19 https://fullfact.org/online/the-light-vaccines/ Ofwel een wappie krant. Daarom post je deze ook?

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