Abuse Melding

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01-01-2023, 21:33 door Anoniem

~all betekent dat als de andere regels niets opleveren, automatisch softfail van toepassing is. -all is hetzelfde, maar dan met fail in plaats van softfail. Uit RFC 4408: 4.6.2. Mechanisms Each mechanism is considered in turn from left to right. If there are no more mechanisms, the result is specified in Section 4.7. When a mechanism is evaluated, one of three things can happen: it can match, not match, or throw an exception. If it matches, processing ends and the qualifier value is returned as the result of that record. If it does not match, processing continues with the next mechanism. If it throws an exception, mechanism processing ends and the exception value is returned. The possible qualifiers, and the results they return are as follows: "+" Pass "-" Fail "~" SoftFail "?" Neutral The qualifier is optional and defaults to "+". When a mechanism matches and the qualifier is "-", then a "Fail" result is returned and the explanation ...

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