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27-07-2023, 20:29 door Anoniem

CISA heeft veel boter op haar hoofd in het schenden van rechten van burgers.Matt Taibbi, Twitter Files, haalde CIS en CISA door elkaar en men wilde hem daarvoor een gevangenisstraf laten ondergaan. Gelukkig is dat met een sisser afgelopen. https://www.independentsentinel.com/cisa-big-tech-others-conspire-to-censor-americans/ [qoute]There’s no question that the CIS is a private nonprofit. But it’s one so intertwined with the DHS, and so deeply connected to the similarly named CISA, that the lines between private and government are awfully blurry. But in many ways, the CIS/CISA issue is beside the point, because this was by no means the most important revelation regarding government involvement in tech censorship.[ /qoute] Bron: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/twitter-surveillance-security-tech/

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