Abuse Melding

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05-11-2023, 14:10 door Anoniem

Door EersteEnigeEchte M.J. - EEEMJ: . . . . Eén van de meest opwindende afbeeldingen van seksuele aard die ik ken, is de Venus van Botticelli. Ook hier werd in ieder geval het gezicht van een bestaande vrouw gebruikt: The model painted as Venus is Simonetta Cattaneo Vespucci. She was a noblewoman from Genoa or perhaps, as many people like to believe in – to underline the names coincidence – from Porto Venere (Venus Harbour). Simonetta arrived in Florence together with her young husband – a distant cousin of Amerigo Vespucci – just in the period in which Lorenzo the Magnificent and his brother Giuliano, of the Medici family rose to the power. The couple joined the court life, and Simonetta’s beauty became legendary in Florence. It seems that Giuliano and Botticelli himself fell in love with her. Bron: https://www.virtualuffizi.com/botticelli%E2%80%99s-venus-and-some-love-stories.html Zouden wij Botticelli, als hij zijn werk zonder toestemming van Simonetta anno 2023 in Nederland zou ...

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