Abuse Melding

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10-01-2024, 00:19 door Anoniem

Geld ook voor micro enterpises dus, als je mazzel hebt en 's ochtends meteen de boel doorstuurd. Krijg je misschien geen dikke boete. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv%3AOJ.L_.2023.191.01.0118.01.ENG (70) When assessing in the individual case the appropriate pecuniary penalty, the competent authorities should take into account all relevant circumstances, such as the nature, gravity and duration of the breach, whether it was committed intentionally or through negligence, whether the service provider has been held responsible for similar previous breaches and the financial strength of the service provider held liable. In exceptional circumstances, that assessment could lead the enforcing authority to decide to abstain from imposing any pecuniary penalties. In this respect, particular attention is to be given to microenterprises that fail to comply with a European Production Order or a European Preservation Order in an emergency case due to lack of human resources outside normal ...

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