Abuse Melding

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10-01-2024, 15:27 door Anoniem

Eens kijken hoelang het duurt voor al dit soort meuk aan elkaar geknoopt wordt en Aadhaar achterna gaat https://www.security.nl/posting/557445/India+verplicht+biometrische+identiteit+voor+honderden+diensten (India) Dat zit ook al met de function creep dat je ook zonder dat diverse diensten uit de private sector geweigerd wordt. https://media.ccc.de/v/37c3-12004-please_identify_yourself - Digital Identity Systems in the EU & around the world (2023-12-27) Digital Identity Systems proliferate worldwide without any regard for their human rights impact or privacy concerns. Driven by governments and the crony capitalist solutionism peddled by the private sector, official statistics estimate that 80 % of the world’s population is condemned to use them by the end of this decade. These identification systems are a frontal attack on anonymity in the online world, might lead to completely new forms of tracking and discrimination and they are a gift to Google and other companies which are monitoring the behaviour ...

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