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Een onserieuze, maar gevaarlijke reactie van de Duitse minister van Defensie Vanochtend natuurlijk even gekeken of er nog nieuws was over de afgetapte videoconferentie van Duitse luchtmachtofficieren. En ja, de Duitse minister van Defensie, Boris Pistorius, heeft een reactie gegeven. Hij reageert... hoe zal ik het zeggen... "defensief"? Germany’s defence minister has accused Russia of conducting an “information war” aimed at creating divisions within the country, in his first comments after the publication of an audio recording of a meeting of senior German military officials. Russian media on Friday published a 38-minute recording of a call in which German officers were heard discussing weapons for Ukraine and a potential strike by Kyiv on a bridge in Crimea, prompting officials in Moscow to demand an explanation. On Saturday, Germany called it an apparent act of eavesdropping and said it was investigating. “The incident is much more than just the interception and publication of a conversation ...
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